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Students finances cannot stretch on indefinitely

Students finances cannot stretch on indefinitely

With the decisions made in the government’s session on spending limits, students are once again facing the pressure of self-sustainment. They are being returned from general housing allowance to housing supplement within financial aid for students starting from...
Opiskelijat eivät voi venyä loputtomiin

Opiskelijat eivät voi venyä loputtomiin

Hallituksen kehysriihen päätösten myötä opiskelijoille tulee jälleen kerran paineta itsensä elättämisestä. Opiskelijat palautetaan yleisestä asumistuesta opintotuen asumislisän piiriin 1.8.2025. Tämä syventää toimeentulon vaikeuksia Haaga-Helian opiskelijoiden...
Helga’s equality plan has been approved

Helga’s equality plan has been approved

Student Union of Haaga-Helia – Helga’s equality plan has been approved at the Representative Council meeting held on 5.2.2024! The work on the equality plan started in autumn 2023 and the plan was completed at the end of the year. However, for scheduling...
Helga is at your side if you experience harassment

Helga is at your side if you experience harassment

We at Helga work for a safer student community and are there for you if you experience harassment or inappropriate behavior. What is harassment? Harassment is behavior that intentionally violates the dignity of another person. In harassment, a person creates an...