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Student Representatives

One of the most important tasks of the Student Union is to appoint student representatives to several Haaga-Helia’s organs. These organs meet regularly to discuss Haaga-Helia’s internal operations such as education in degree programs and guidelines of the university. You can find more information below.
Contact address for each member is unless stated otherwise.

Collegiate Body

The Collegiate Body for example modifies The Degree Regulations of Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences and handles requests for rectification. It is led by President Teemu Kokko.

Student representative: Niko Lavikainen, substitute: Kaisa Manner

Board of Haaga-Helia

The Board of Haaga-Helia holds the highest authority in Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences. For example, the board approves curriculas and deals with correction requests of student selection. The position offers a great view for all Haaga-Helia operations and helps the student representative to see current situations from the Haaga-Helia perspective.

Student representative: Joni Lappalainen

Restaurant Committee

The Restaurant Committee has an informative role but no power to influence the contract between Kiinteistö Oy Opetustalo and the restaurant entrepreneur. The Committee is a cooperative organ between Opetustalo, restaurant and bistro as well as the students and Haaga-Helia staff.

Student representative: Saku Laitinen ja Milla Suominen

Examination Committee

The Examination Committee handles complaints made by students about study related issues.

Student representative: Kaisa Manner, substitute: Mari Rautanen

Ulysseus Governing Council

Strategic decisions, Alliance coordination, project monitoring approvals, financial approvals, Governance plan approvals, and innovation Hubs supervision.

Student representative: More information is coming soon.

World Student Capital

The World Student Capital aims to promote a positive urban policy for higher education students in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area and Uusimaa municipalities. To achieve its purpose, the association engages in advocacy of its members, as well as education, research, awareness-raising, and publishing activities, and organizes events and services that support its purpose. The student unions of the Helsinki Metropolitan Area and Uusimaa have joined members of the association.

Student representative: Kristina Koskela

Election Committee

Organ of the Student Union. The Committee oversees the election procedures of the Student Union. It also accepts the candidates and validates the result. The committee also elects hallopeds. You must be a member of Helga to apply.

Chairperson: Niko Lavikainen
Vice-Chairperson: Aayush Jain
Members: Annastiina Similä, Antti Suoniemi, Anni Silvenius, Saku Laitinen, Joel Kangasmaa, Milla Suominen, Jonas Lemström, Kristina Koskela and Joni Lappalainen

HOAS delegation

The delegation is a governing body of the HOAS foundation, which can appoint up to three members to the foundation’s board of directors and choose at least one auditor to audit the foundation’s administration and accounts for the following year.

Board of directors: Janne Hälinen
Tenants’ co-operation body: Erica Alaluusua

FSHS delegation and board of the Southern Service Area

The delegation of the Finnish Student Health Care Foundation meets twice a year. The meetings discuss, among other things, the FSHS Board of Directors’ report and financial statements, budget and action plan. The meetings also elect the chairman and vice chairman of the delegation, the secretary and certain members of the delegation, and elect the chairman, vice chairman and other members of the Board of Directors when necessary. The term of the delegation is two years and Helga’s representation is as follows;
2023-2024 deputy member, 2025-2026 full member, 2029-2030 deputy member, 2031-2032 full member.

FSHS operates in five service areas, each of which has a board appointed by the Board. The task of the Board is to monitor the activities of the region and changes in the operating environment, health promotion and community health work. The Board discusses the reduction and increase of service points in the area and other matters that have a significant impact on the operations of the area.

FSHS delegation 2023-2024 deputy member: Rico Martikainen
Southern Service Area Board: Rico Martikainen