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Peer tutor

Peer tutors welcome’s new degree students to Haaga-Helia and introduce them to the practicalities of their own degree program and the student culture. Tutors act as the first layer or frontier for new students. Tutors are assigned for each incoming student group. Students can contact their peer tutors throughout the academic year.

Tutor’s task is to support the integration to the student community of Haaga-Helia, support studies, ease the group formation and introduce the services of Haaga-Helia to the new student. New students can ask peer tutors to help with all matters related to Haaga-Helia and study practicalities.

Could I be a peer tutor?

YES, we recruit peer tutors every February and the term is from August.
The comparison criteria are group working skills, activity, dominance or impressiveness, flexibility, argumentation and performance. In case of more applicants than positions, group dynamics of the whole group is considered.

Tutoring is a Haaga-Helia course of 3-5 ETSC.

Tutoring in part-time studies is also developed. More info from the Helga specialist (

Tutor's tasks and responsibilities

Study credit application

The tutor participates in both an evening training and a training day.

The tutor’s tasks and rights include:

  • Introducing new Students to the University of Applied Sciences, Helga, studies and student life during the Orientation Days and whole term.
  • Tutoring a group of new students throughout their first academic year
  • Participating in the recruitment of new tutors
  • Helping to organize Helga’s events, such as the Freshers Day

The tutor´s responsibilities are:

  • Maintaining strict confidentiality about Helga’s affairs
  • Impeccable behavior when participating in Helga’s events
  • Act according to the guidelines set by their head tutor and tutor coordinator of Helga

After a tutor has completed their full term, they are eligible for three (3) study credits. These credits are given for the equivalent of eighty-one (81) hours of work. To keep track of their activities, the tutor keeps an up-to-date record of their tutoring by using his/her tutor passport, and has it confirmed by their head tutor in a timely fashion.

Examples of applicable tutoring activities are:

  • Participating in tutor trainings, both Evening and Day (30 h)
  • Tutoring during the Pick-up and Orientation Days (8-30 h)
  • Organizing and participating in the Freshmen Party as a tutor (6-12 h)
  • tutoring throughout the term
  • Marketing Helga’s events, and selling tickets
  • Helping people through the Goin App. 

At the end of their term, the tutor writes a tutor report. The report and tutor passport are handed to the degree programme head tutor who sees to the study credit application. In addition to the study credits, a certificate is also given.