Opportunity to move equally
We at Haaga-Helia’s student union Helga have wanted to offer all our students the opportunity to move equally, regardless of where they live. Yogobe is an app that allows us to do this, because with Yogobe you can do yoga anywhere, anytime!
How to use
Yogobe, together with leading Nordic teachers, offers videos on yoga, training and health. The service supports you in incorporating exercise into your daily routine and the materials on the internet makes it easier to form a regular routine.
Helga members can redeem a personal code to activate the service free of charge for one year. Without Helga membership, the service can be activated for an annual fee of 199e.
To get started with Yogobe, start at www.zonesports.fi and click on the yellow menu “log in” at the top of the page and start creating an account for yourself.

If you have had a sports pass before, DO NOT create a new account for yourself. The code can be assigned to your old account. You will then receive your code by sending a message to your student union member service via a customer service chat or email.