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Head tutor

The Head Tutor acts as the leader of his / her degree program or campus tutor groups. Head tutor acts as a link between Helga, the tutor group and Haaga-Helia. Head tutors are chosen in the Autumn and trained throughout the year.

Head tutor participates in the tutor recruitment process and training of peer and exchange tutors. Head tutor are required to have the ability to guide small teams, organizational skills, the ability to perceive large entities, communication skills and the ability to deal with a variety of people. Applicants for head tutors are interviewed. The term of office shall be one calendar year (January to December).

Head tutor's tasks and resposibilities

Study credit application

The Head Tutor participates in the Head Tutor training and “tutorjaosto” –meetings throughout the year. Helga’s board member is responsible for assembling every tutorjaosto (tutor meetings held 2-3 spring and same in Autumn). The Head Tutor is held accountable to the Helga board member.

The Head Tutor’s  tasks and rights include:

  • Coordinating the tutoring in the Head Tutor’s own degree program/campus
  • signing the tutor passes
  • Recruitment of new tutors with Haaga-Helia’s faculty and a new Head Tutor
  • Taking care that the information between Helga and tutors is shared actively
  • Cooperation with Helga board members responsible for tutoring
  • Cooperation with academic advisors and program director and answering their messages at least once a week

The Head Tutor’s responsibilities are:

  • Maintaining strict confidentiality on all affairs concerning Helga, tutors, and students
  • Impeccable behavior when participating in Helga’s events
  • Act according to the guidelines set by Helga 
  • Taking care of the communication
    • Active use of the Head Tutor e-mail
    • Active reaction and active communication with the academic advisors
    • Active response and active communication with Helga in Slack

After a Head Tutor has completed their full term immaculately, they are eligible for five (5) study credits. 

At the end of their term, the HeadTtutor writes a Head Tutor report. The report is handed to the Helga’s specialist who sees the study credit application. In addition to the study credits, a certificate is also given.

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