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3UAS (3AMK in Finnish): Collaboration project of Haaga-Helia, Laurea, and Metropolia, which gives their degree students the opportunity to take studies on all three UAS study offers: Courses, Language studies and Learning Lanes.

8 Day May Day: 8 Päivän Wappu. Wappu is the biggest student celebration of the year. Helga’s May Day consists of 12 events (or more) on consecutive days, and climaxes on Labour Day (Vappu) on 1st of May. The name remains the same as the amount of events (and days) increases over time.


ABBA: Degree Programme in Aviation Business, Porvoo.
Advocacy: influence work to maintain and improve students’ status, as well as quality of the studies and welfare.

Alumni: person who has already graduated but stays as a supporter for the Haaga-Helia (or HELGA) community.

Annual Gala: Vuosijuhla or vuju. Seated dinner party with a programme including toasts, stakeholders’ greetings, drinking songs and speeches. Celebration is official and manners are highly valued. The dress code is a dark suit though sometimes women are aloud to wear cocktail outfit depending weather the party is more official or more sitsit-like.

Appro: Pub crawl. The idea is to go from pub to pub, collecting stamps on your passport. Collect enough stamps and you’ll be rewarded with a coverall patch. The biggest appros have thousands of participants.

Association, local: Paikallisjärjestö. Association, which unites and organizes activities for students in one particular campus. Local associations also provide Helga Point services on their campus. (Haaga’s Pore, Porvoo’s Hepo, Malmi’s Hattara, Vierumäki’s Tahkon Talli).

Atkins ry: Haaga-Helia’s IT-students’ association’


BITE: Degree Programme in Business Information Technology.


Club Activity: Student run clubs operating under Helga, which organize extra-curricular activities for Helga members.

Coveralls: Haalarit. Students’ uniform, which is generally worn in student events. Coveralls can be decorated by sewing coverall patches (which can be obtained by i.e. attending student events) into them. Different schools and disciplines have different color coveralls that identify where you are from. Helga’s coveralls are petrol blue, and they are worn by all students in Haaga-Helia despite their Degree Programme. Essential part of the Finnish and Swedish student culture. New students get to “baptise” their coveralls during the Coverall Baptisim, which is a part of Helga’s 8 Day May Day.

Curriculum: The educational structure of a Degree Programme.


ESN Helga: Helga’s international action group, which organizes activities for the incoming exchange students in Haaga-Helia.


Fresher: Fuksi. First year student. Fresher year lasts two semesters.

Freshers’ Party: Fuksiaiset. Traditional welcoming event organized for freshmen in the beginning of every semester by Helga. The Freshers’ Party consists of a checkpoint race and an afterparty. Any kind of humiliation, name-calling or tainting of clothes is not a part of Helga’s Freshers’ Party.

FSHS: Finnish Students’ Healthcare Service offers healthcare services for all University of Applied Sciences students starting from the beginning of 2021.


GLOBBA: Degree Programme in International Business.


Haaga-Helia Advisory Boards: In advisory boards the Haaga-Helia staff, student and company representatives will meet and design the education of degree programs.

Haaga-Helia Examination Committee: Examination committee handles complaints made by students about study related issues.

Hattara ry: Haaga-Helia Malmi campus local association.

Hattara Lounge: Common room for students located on Malmi campus managed by Hattara ry.

Helga: Haaga-Helia Student Union.

Helga Kitchen & Lounge: Common room for students equipped with kitchen facilities on Pasila campus. The offices of Pasila student associations are located within Helga Kitchen & Lounge.

Helga Point: Helga’s member services located in Pasila. On other campuses Helga Point services are provided by the local associations.

HePo ry: Haaga-Helia Porvoo campus local association.

HOPS: ISP, individual study plan.

HOTEM: Degree Programme in Hospitality, Tourism and Experience Management.

HSOY ry: Student association for LIIDI, SEBBA students and Business students in Haaga-Helia.


IDS Helga: Helga’s international action group, which aims to help international degree students integrate into the Haaga-Helia student community by organizing student events in English.


Jodel @Haaga-Helia: Unofficial communication channel for Haaga-Helia students in Jodel. Helga and Haaga-Helia do not take part in the conversation on Jodel.

Joura: Degree Programme in Journalism.


LIIPO: Degree Programme in Business administration in Porvoo.


MATKA: Degree Programme in tourism in Haaga. (Also: Finnish word for travel)

Member of the Student Union: Student that owns Student Union’s student card

Moodle: Digital learning environment used in Haaga-Helia.


Opku: Shortening of a Student Union (Opiskelijakunta in Finnish)

Opku+: A collaboration by the 8 Student Unions in the capital area (ASK, Helga, HUMAKO, LAUREAMKO, METKA and O’Diako) and Turku University of Applied Sciences and Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences, which aims to improve the member services of the Student Unions.

OLL: OLL meaning the Finnish Student Sports Federation promotes themes related to the well-being of university students. Its members are 32 University of Applied Sciences and University student union’s. In OLL, the highest decision-making power is also used by the federal assembly, where member organizations are represented.

 Opiskelijafoorumi: Opiskelijafoorumi (Student Forum) is Student Union Helga’s relaxed advocacy network where all Haaga-Helia students who are interested in advocacy are welcome. The Student Forum is a two-part service that consists of the Student Forum live (events), which are held every quarter, and the Student Forum digital (Facebook group).


PEPPI: Credit register used in Haaga-Helia, in which students can check grades, amount of credits and update personal info. (Also: a Finnish woman’s name)

Pore ry: Haaga-Helia Haaga campus student association

POMO: The Finnish speaking Degree Programme in tourism in Porvoo. (Also: Finnish word for the word boss)


Representative Council: The ultimate authority in the student union Helga. The council consists of 20 members and 20 deputies, who are all elected by the members of the student union.

RKP: Crispy fish bits (rapeat kalapalat in Finnish), the favourite food of many students. Getting tartar-sauce back with RKP was one of the biggest advocacy cases in 2017.

RPL: Recognition of Previous Learning, compensating for a part of your studies (i.e. a course) with previous studies or work experience.


SAMOK ry: The Union of Students in Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences. Helga promotes interest of students nationally through SAMOK.

SharePoint: Cloud service, which provides you with MyNet, email and many others tools.

Sillis: Nickname for ”herring breakfast” (silli = herring in Finnish) on the next morning after annual gala. Usually no actual fish is served.

Sitsit: Academic table party with dinner and drinking songs. Sometimes includes short speeches, programme or other traditions depending organizing association or organization. Breaking the manner rules leads to playful punishment. Dress code coveralls, casual or black suit – or something totally different.

Slice: Helga’s official Student ID. The Slice mobile application works as a digital “student card”, and allows you to use student discounts from i.e. HSL, VR, Matkahuolto and Kela, as well as other national and local student benefits.

Speksi: a student play that has established its place in the student culture in the Nordics. It combines theatrical play, improvisation, dance and music. The special feature of Speksi is the Omstart! yell (Swedish for “do it again!”) that allows the audience to have an interactive role during the play. After the Omstart! the person who called it may define what (s)he wants the actors to do differently. For instance, “Omstart! Characters X and Y change roles!” forces the actors to play each others’ roles for a while.

Splash: Helga’s digital newsletter, which is released every other week.

Student (Opiskelija in Finnish): Person studying in higher education institution.

Student Union (Opiskelijakunta in Finnish): A legitimate organ in university promoting the interest of students and organizing services.

Sture ry: Student association focused on accounting and finance students. All Haaga-Helia students can become members for free. Sture organizes events and companyvisits. Also advocates for its members


Tahkon Talli ry: Haaga-Helia Vierumäki campus local association

Talko ry: Haaga-Helia business students’ association

Tutor: Helga trains 3 different kinds of tutors:

  • Peer Tutors, older students who provide new students with help and guidance during their freshman year.
  • Exchange Tutors are like Peer Tutors, but instead of new degree students they help incoming exchange students.
  • Head tutors act as the leaders of their degree program or campus tutor groups. Head tutors act as a link between Helga, the tutor group and Haaga-Helia.
  • All Tutor groups are lead by Head Tutors.


UOPS: New Student’s Guide, magazine for freshmen published by Helga every January and August.


Year of Wellness: An extensive wellness campaign implemented by Helga throughout the adacemic year 2019/2020, which aims to make students aware of the support network and services supporting well-being available for them, increase awareness of the problems many students are facing and to create an atmosphere and culture of caring in the whole haagahelian community.


Zone: Sports services for University of Applied Sciences students in the capital region. Zone services consist of instructed sports classes, gyms and gymnasiums that can be reserved for i.e. ball games. Zone-sports pass is included in the Student Union membership.