Haaga-Helia uses a service called JobTeaser which is a platform where students can find, for example, a work placement, a job, or a thesis project. On top of the vacant jobs that you can find at JobTeaser, you can also find information about the Haaga-Helia partner companies, different kinds of career events and also advice on developing your skills and yourself, for example how to upgrade your CV.
- Suomen pysyvä edustusto Euroopan unionissa - OSA-assistentti
- RMC Asia - Intern in Food & Beverage at IHG Hotels & Resorts
- Royal Line Oy - Myyntiharjoittelija
- Legrand Finland - Trainee, Customer Service, Finland
- Amertat Energy Oy - Business Administration / Finance
- Stage Malta - Finance Officer
- Superstream Oy - Junior Electronics Engineer
- Suomen pääkonsulaatti, New York - Työharjoittelu - konsulipalvelutiimi
- Tasavallan presidentin kanslia - Assistenttiharjoittelija Tasavallan presidentin kansliaan
- Travel Paradise - Matkatoimistotyöntekijä / Travel Agency Employee – Travel Paradise, Puhos, Itäkeskus
- MyData Events and Services - Partnerships lead for an international technology conference
- aTalent - Avain Asunnot, Myyntineuvottelija
- Haaga-Helia ammattikorkeakoulu - Junior UX Designer, Wilma
- Azets Insight Oy - Palkanlaskennan kesätyö
- Azets Insight Oy - Taloushallinnon kesätyö