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Your Community

What makes the Helga community?

How can you see or hear it? How is it built? There are certainly as many answers to these questions as there are students at Haaga-Helia. However, one goal in Helga’s strategy states: “Everyone finds their place in the student community of Haaga-Helia.” The Student Union strives for this by enabling diverse participation opportunities on all campuses, taking into account the different wishes and situations of the students.

Tutoring, events, club activities, coveralls, Helga’s Speksi..

These are all puzzle pieces in the Helga community. They are the most visible part of the Student Union’s work, and often for students also the most important. Whether you’re applying to be a tutor, or just attending an event with the Helga coveralls on – you’re part of building the Helga community. The very essence of it are students.

Community services



Club activities

Zone Sports Services