Self-Hack is a life management hackathon that aims to provide students with tools for time and life management. At the hackathon, students receive a workbook that includes training content and tools for life management.
Self-Hack event
The student union of Haaga-Helia – Helga is organizing a Self-Hack event on 29.-30.9. in Zoom and there can accommodate a total of 75 students. You can sign up here!
What is Self-Hack?
The Self-Hack course provides you with tools, space, and time for thinking about your life, career, and future. It guides you through the self-discovery process, helps you to organize your thoughts through different exercises, and encourages you to discuss and look for new perspectives with others.
Sometimes small adjustments are enough to make us happy, sometimes we need to look very deep inside to find answers. What’s my purpose? Am I happy? What might be my next calling? Being uncertain is a normal thing and we created Self-Hack to support you in finding the right answers and making the next step. We hope that Self-Hack will give you a broader perspective on your life and your relationship to working life and that the course will help you when you are making decisions about your future.
During the course, you can work on the exercises independently and by discussing the exercises with others. The more time you
use on the exercises, the more rewarding they will be. The goal of group discussions is to relate to other people’s perspectives and share experiences. The views of oth er course members can help you discover new ideas!
The organization behind Self-Hack is Creativity Squads ry, a non-profit organization that has developed the Self-Hack Career course together with coaches from Tampere city’s employment and growth services.
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