Where am I going? What kind of things do I want to work on? How can I get the best out of myself? You can find answers to these questions at the Self-Hack event!
Self-Hack is a life management hackathon that aims to provide students with tools for self-management, time management and wider life management. During the Self-Hack event, you get tools, space and time to think about your own life and the future. The event will help you organize your thoughts through various exercises, and it will also encourage you to discuss and look for new perspectives when interacting with other participants. The goal of Self-Hack is to have a positive impact on studying and to promote students’ personal learning.
Haaga-Helia’s student union Helga organizes the Self-Hack event 9.-10.10. from 13:00 to 17:00 at Haaga-Helia’s Pasila campus. As the event is long, Helga offers all participants food on both days.
Signing up takes place in Kide.app from 6.9. ahead!