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Student Union of Haaga-Helia – Helga is looking for student representatives for Haaga-Helia’s administration and for other positions

Would you like to be able to have a concrete influence on the affairs of your own university of applied sciences? Now there is a great opportunity for that, because there are open positions for student representatives in Haaga-Helia’s decision-making bodies! The following administrative student representative positions are open:

Collegiate Body
The task of Haaga-Helia’s Collegiate Body is to approve the university of applied sciences’ degree regulations, degree education curricula and selection criteria for students, and to decide on the organizing of entrance exams. Haaga-Helia’s principal Teemu Kokko is the chairperson and the term of office is two (2) years starting on January 1, 2025. One (1) regular member and a personal alternate member are elected as representatives. The operating language of the Collegiate Body is Finnish.

Board of Haaga-Helia
The Board of Haaga-Helia holds the highest authority in Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences. For example, the board approves curriculas and deals with correction requests of student selection. The position offers a great view for all Haaga-Helia operations and helps the student representative to see current situations from the Haaga-Helia perspective. The term of office is two (2) years starting from the spring 2025 general meeting. One (1) regular member is elected as a representative, not an alternate member. The working language of the board is Finnish

Restaurant committee
The restaurant committee is an informative and negotiating cooperative body that does not have decision-making power regarding the restaurant management agreement between Kiinteistö Oy Opetustalo and the restaurant owner. The restaurant committee acts as a cooperation body for Opetustalo, restaurant and cafe and their users. The term of office is one (1) year starting on January 1st 2024. Four (4) regular members, not alternate members, are elected as representatives. The operating language of the restaurant committee is Finnish.

Examination Committee
The Examination Committee handles complaints made by students regarding the evaluation of credits or crediting of studies completed elsewhere. Term is two (2) years starting on January 1, 2025. One (1) regular member and a personal alternate member are elected as representatives. The working language of the Examination Committee is Finnish.

Election Committee
Committee of the Student Union. The Committee oversees the election procedures of the Student Union. It also accepts the candidates and validates the result. You must be a member of Helga to apply. The term of office is one (1) year starting on January 1st 2024. The chairperson and two (2) to ten (10) regular members, not alternate members, are elected as representatives. The main operating language of the Election Committee is Finnish, but participation is also possible in English.

Helga’s representative council will choose the student representatives of the Collegiate Body, Board of Haaga-Helia, Restaurant Committee and the Examination Committee committee at its autumn meeting on 18.11.2024 and the election committee at the organizational meeting of the new representative council on 25.11.2024. You can apply to the positions by filling out the application form here before the meetings in question or by running for office at the autumn meeting of the Representative Council or at the organizational meeting of the new Representative Council.

The duration of the positions is 1-2 calendar years, so it is desirable and in certain positions required that you are able to commit to positions of trust for the entire term. All Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences students in education leading to a degree are eligible for election to the positions. If the elected student representative loses their eligibility in the middle of the term, for example due to graduation, they are considered to have resigned from their position of trust. The student must notify the student union well in advance of losing their eligibility, so that a new student representative can be elected.

The selections will be announced on the student union’s official information channels and to the applicants personally. The names will also be communicated to Haaga-Helia.

For more information about the tasks, please contact Helga’s advocacy and influencing specialist:
Rico Martikainen
+358 40 847 9350

If you are studying in Haaga-Helia you can join your Student Union!

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