I started my studies in Haaga-Helia in autumn 2020, just as corona restrictions were getting stricter due to the growing number of cases. Because of this, feelings about my new studies in the UAS were very conflicting; on one hand I was excited to be able to study in...
The Student Union of Haaga-Helia – Helga’s board has chosen Teemu Virtanen as the new specialist responsible for advocacy and influencing. Virtanen is studying Physics at the University of Oulu. In their position Virtanen will be working as part of Helga’s advocacy...
The board of Student Union Helga has decided at their board meeting on 10.9. that the autumn Freshers’ Day will be held on Monday, October 4, 2021. The event was originally scheduled to take place on Tuesday, September 14, 2021, just two days after the current corona...
Bulletin Free to publish Helsinki 2.9.2021 Haaga-Helia’s student union Helga elected two new members for the Helga board in their meeting on Thursday September 2nd, 2021. Marketing student Eemeli Valli and hotel and tourism business management student Belilla...
The Student Union of Haaga-Helia – Helga’s representative council election in 2021 will elect the council for the term 1.1.2022 – 31.12.2022. In total, 20 members and 20 vice members will be chosen in the election. Check the election announcement for more information...