In the orientation week of August 2019, I was hanging out in Kaisaniemi Park with friends who were introducing the operations of the Speksi student play. A freshman who presented himself as Rasmus arrived there and said, “Are any of you watching Twin Peaks? It’s funny...
The Student Union of Haaga-Helia – Helga has made the decision to cancel Helga’s Speksi 2021 performances. With the prevailing COVID-19 pandemic, Helga’s board has decided not to organize Helga’s Speksi’s performances. It is important to the Student Union to...
The second podcast of the Awareness of UAS education campaign, deals with BBA studies before and now. The podcast was hosted by Josefiina Lähdekorpi, a member of Helga’s 2020 Board of Directors, and the guests are Pyry Meriluoto, Chairman of Tradenomiopiskelijat...
The purpose of the projects is to develop student well-being and inclusion, especially during distance learning. Together with students and specialists, we develop low-threshold activities that provide peer support for learning, guidance to promote student well-being,...
I am in line for free buckets and I am definitely not the only one. Luckily I am sitting safely by my own computer, and not in front of a discount store just about to open. Their purses and walking canes would swish and swoosh around. Only the strongest would survive...