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Extra guidance available in Word and Excel

During this year Helga has received feedback that students have a special need for additional guidance on the systems used at Haaga-Helia. In particular, more guidance has been requested regarding the use of Excel and Word. Helga has taken the initiative and recruited a student with the help of the ATK-instituutti, who has promised to produce helpful material for other fellow students.

The methods of implementation are going to be 2 themed workshops, which will be held on XX Excel and XX Word. The student chosen as the implementer speaks Finnish and English. The workshops are held on Zoom. The idea of ​​the workshops is that anyone can come and ask for help with a specific problem they are having, related to Excel or Word usage. You don’t have to register for the workshop, anyone can come.

In addition to the workshops, 4 educational videos were made. 2 videos on Excel (one in Finnish and one in English) and 2 videos on Word (one in Finnish and one in English). The videos can be seen on Helgas’ online training platform once they are published.

In a nutshell!

What? Additional guidance in Word and Excel
When and where? Videos are published in online training platform and workshops will be

Excel 21.11. time 17:30-19:00 (
Word 23.11. time 08:00-9:30 (

PSST… This year we also launched a new concept, called study help. In study help you can get help with thesis and Swedish. More of study help in here:

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