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Remote studies from the teachers’ perspective

Remote studies from the teachers’ perspective

The following blog text about remote studying in Haaga-Helia was written by food production teachers Sakari Ketolainen and Jari Karjalainen. The blog text was written during fall 2020.  “In March 2020, Haaga-Helia switched to distance learning due to the corona....
Everyone deserves a safe living area

Everyone deserves a safe living area

Urban Policy Program of the Helsinki Metropolitan Area Student Unions: Differentiation must be prevented during the zoning and construction phase by building diverse residential areas, taking into account the needs of population groups and cultural backgrounds....
Panel discussion: The BBA of the future

Panel discussion: The BBA of the future

What is a bachelor’s degree? This issue is addressed by the student union Helga Awareness of UAS education. The last part of Student Union of Helga’s campaign of a BBA degree is published! The third part is about the future of BBA’s and it’s hosted by Sami Ranta-aho....