The Student Union of Haaga-Helia’s board has elected Taru Moisiola to be the new specialist in communications and membership services. Moisiola will be working as the specialist for Helga’s support and communications teams. Responsibilities include...
Minna is a 26-year-old third-year Culinary management student from Haaga-Helia. She has been a member of Helga’s Board in 2020, Chairperson of the Board in 2021 and this year 2022, she acts as a Chairperson of the Representative Council. Minna is also part of the...
This position require fluency in Finnish and this text is therefore provided only in the language required. Oletko asiakaspalveluhenkinen viestinnän osaaja? Oletko osaava koordinoija joka haluaa kasvaa sekä kehittää asiantuntijuuttaan? Haaga-Helian opiskelijakunta...
Do you love different cultures? Do you have a passion for organizing events? Are you interested in an international operating environment? You’ll get to experience all of these when you apply for Helga’s international action group, ESN Helga, which will choose a new...
This position require fluency in Finnish and this text is therefore provided only in the language required. Sykkiikö sydämesi koulutuksen kehittämiselle? Sytytkö sosiaalipolitiikasta? Haluatko tehdä töitä opiskelijoiden paremman huomisen eteen? Haaga-Helian...