The Student Union of Haaga-Helia – Helga’s representative council election in 2021 will elect the council for the term 1.1.2022 – 31.12.2022. In total, 20 members and 20 vice members will be chosen in the election. Check the election announcement for more information...
The Student Union of Haaga-Helia – Helga’s board has chosen Katja Silvasti as the new specialist responsible for communications and member service. Silvasti has Master of Arts and Community Educator (Bachelor) degrees. In her position Silvasti will be working...
The Student Union Helga has decided in their board meeting on the 24th of August to set a new date for this autumn Freshers’ Day. The Freshers’ Day was planned to be organized on Tuesday 14th of September 2021, just two days after the end of the current COVID-19 limit...
The Helga’s Board of 2021 will be supplemented and two new members will be elected at the Representative Council meeting on the 2nd of September. The Board is supplemented by two Board members. The meeting will be on 2.9..2021 in Zoom starting at 5pm. The link...
A new school, life stage, and possibly a completely new hometown. In the face of change, it is important to have security and support to make the integration into a new everyday life as painless as possible. In Haaga-Helia, your student life is supported not only by...