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Helga is looking for student representatives

Would you like to influence the study environment? Would you like to make the change? Helga offers an excellent opportunity now! We are looking for student representatives.

Restaurant Committee
The Restaurant Committee has an informative role but no power for the contract between Kiinteistö Oy Opetustalo and restaurant entrepreneur. The Committee is a cooperative organ between Opetustalo, restaurant and bistro as well as the students and Haaga-Helia staff. Four (4) members, no deputies. 1-year term starting on 1 January 2022.

Please notice that the meetings are mainly in Finnish, and therefore your language skills in Finnish should be at least at average level. If you are interested, please fill in the application form until 16 November 2021 at 16:59 for Haaga-Helia administration: One can also apply in the representative council meeting during the council representatives discuss the matter.

The council of representatives of Helga will elect the student representatives for Haaga-Helia administration on 16 November 2021 and in other meetings if necessary. Decisions will be informed via official channels of the Student Union. The applicants are informed directly as well as Haaga-Helia.
In case there are not enough applicants the application period can be extended. Yet you should apply within the original application period to make sure your application arrives in time.

It is desirable to be able to engage for the whole 1-year term.

The administrative rules of Helga apply.

More information:

If you are studying in Haaga-Helia you can join your Student Union!

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