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Helga Club Tupa: Tuesday Games

Are you tired to remote studying? You are welcome to join game nights hosted by Helga Club Tupa! We play Jack Box and other fun party games together. What: Party games Where: On our Discord channel When: Every Tuesday 19:30 - 21:00

Helga The Uncool Bookclub: Book of the month

Topic: Book of the month - Fantastic Fungi Place: Discord (Meeting room) Time: Wednesday 29.9., from 17.00 to 18.30 In the meeting, you can discuss the book of the month and chat with other book lovers. The event will be held in English.  

Helga Club Tupa Spring Game Party

Pasilan kampus Ratapihantie 13, Helsinki

Are you interested on playing with PC; does controller fit better on your hands; are boardgames more of your thing or do you just like to spectate? If one or […]

Helga Sports Club: Badminton Evening

Zone Myllypuron kampus Myllypurontie 1, Helsinki, Suomi

Helga Sports Club's first event is a badminton evening on Tuesday, April 11. The games will be set up at the Metropolia Myllypuro campus, where 4 badminton courts have been […]

Helga Club Tupa: Game Night on Discord

Helga Club Tupa Discord

On friday, Helga Clup Tupa organizes the Game Night on Discord! Relaxed hanging out and playing games together. Possible games are: = Draw and guess in web Jackbox Games […]