Supplementary application for Helga’s board is open!
The Helga’s Board of 2022 will be supplemented and the new board member will be elected at the Representative Council meeting 21st of September....
Kalle Tuunanen as a specialist in advocacy and influencing
On 9th of August, 2022, Haaga-Helia’s student union Helga’s board has chosen Kalle Tuunanen to be the new advocacy and influencing specialist....
Only in Finnish: Helga hakee asiantuntijaa viestintään ja jäsenpalveluihin
This position require fluency in Finnish and this text is therefore provided only in the language required. Oletko asiakaspalveluhenkinen...
Helga’s board was supplemented
The board of Haaga-Helia's Student Union Helga was supplemented on Tuesday 24.5.2022. in a representative council meeting. The board was...
Apply for SAMOK or OLL candidacy
The Representative Council meeting on 24 of May will decide who will be the candidate for the SAMOK and OLL boards for the year 2023. The mandate...
RaflaRumba Appro is looking for a project manager for 2023
Are you interested in being the organizer of Finland's fastest growing appro event? Are you curious to hop into the role of a developer of...