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WellnessAppro: Helsinki

WellnessAppro: Helsinki

On the 14th of October, Helga organizes WellnessAppro (HyvinvointiAppro) in Pasila. You can get to know the welfare services provided by Haaga-Helia and its partners! WellnessAppro is a free and alcohol-free event, and you can get yourself a coverall patch when you...
Apply for Helga’s volunteer commitee

Apply for Helga’s volunteer commitee

The application for Helga’s volunteer committee, better known as Helga Staff, is open from 10.5. to 6.6.! All Helga members are eligible to apply as a volunteer, regardless of the degree program or campus. The duties of volunteers are considered on the basis of...
Municipal elections discussion panel: Porvoo

Municipal elections discussion panel: Porvoo

Welcome to find your potential party or candidate to vote in municipal elections with Helga, Hepo and Laureamko’s municipal election discussion panel. This panel is held on Zoom and you can also participate and leave your own question for candidates in our...