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Helga The Uncool Bookclub meetup

07.04.2021 KLO 17:00 - 18:30

Helga The Uncool Bookclub meetup

The Casual Meetup for Book lovers!

Topic: ’Bring your favorite reading to the club’
Place: Zoom, link in Discord
Time: Wednesday 7th April, from 17.00 to 18.30

Why to ’Bring your favorite reading to the club’?
To share from what we read to what we love. Isn’t it exciting to share your interest with people? Especially with fellow book lovers & reading enthusiasts? Here at the discussion, we all have a chance to talk about the things we love and also a chance to be heard and listened to! Sharing is caring! We love books but we also love reading everything else We’re so excited to hear about everyone’s reading. It doesn’t matter if it is a long thick novel, a small purse-sized memoir, or an enlightening article you found online. Just bring your recent favorite piece of reading to the club! To be and feel like a student again.

Campuses are closed, classrooms are filled with dreadful emptiness. Remember when was last time we had a small talk/catch up with a friend we ran into. To look back, what brought us together simply were the softly cushioned chairs at the lobbies, the long narrow lunch tables & the comfy couches in union’s rooms. For that reason, the online meetup will become our casual place to hang!

What could be in Zoom meeting?
Foremost is our reading discussion. Depend on the numbers, we will have bigger or smaller groups with the same topic of reading. For example, you & I were reading the same romance novel for the last few weeks, just bring it in and share perspectives together! Lively debates What we could learn the most at the end of a lecture isn’t what teachers told but a collection of dynamic questions & comments from our classmates. With this meetup, we encourage everyone to speak up and express their opinions. A good and constructive argument can open up a lot of insights!

Small games, drinks & snacks
Who says book meeting has to be all about books & reading? In the meetup, we will play some games to get to know each other. Even though we’re apart from one screen to another, we can always have a drink and snack together.


17:00 - 18:30